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    University of Louisiana at Lafayette





    The Disability Services Office is ready to assist students with special needs through a variety of specialized technologies.


    Our goal is to give every student equal access to achieve academic success. ODS houses a specialized testing center and computer lab designed to accommodate the special needs of all our students.  Additionally, computer equipment and software are strategically placed in several locations around campus.

    COVID-19 Help from ODS

    COVID-19 Help from ODS

    有哪些好用的小众软件? - 知乎 - Zhihu:2021-9-16 · Recuva 是一款文件恢复软件!它是梨子公司 Piriform 所开发的第二款软件,可用来恢复那些被误删除的任意格式的文件,能直接恢复硬盘、闪存盘、存储卡(如 SD 卡,MMC 卡等等)中的文件,只要没有被重复写入数据,无论格式化还是删除均可直接 ...

    • Events


    The Office of Disability Services (ODS) at UL Lafayette is dedicated to ensuring nondiscrimination and equal access to all programs, services, and activities for qualified students with disabilities. Students with disabilities have access and opportunities to engage in the full range of experiences available to all students at UL Lafayette including curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities.  We are committed to working with students, staff, and faculty in developing and implementing the most appropriate strategies to ensure equal access while maintaining the academic standards and integrity of the mission of the university.

    Here you will find eligibility information, information about our services, and critical support for a successful academic experience. We invite students to explore ODS resources, ask questions, visit with ODS staff, and utilize the programs and services designed to support your academic goals.


    To receive accommodations, you must 大家最近注意点别挂梯子了 - Douban:2021-3-1 · 我怂,梯子软件都删了 我怂,梯子软件 都删了 [已注销] 这他妈谁还敢挂💔 删除 | 赞 回应 懒死床上的彭彭 2021-03-01 11:42:01 ... 对,谨慎点好 ,别当了出头鸟 对,谨慎点好,别当了出头鸟 多兰之戒 + … through ODS (separate from admissions). You must first be admitted to the University with a ULID number.  The Request Accommodations link is for NEW ODS students.  If you are already registered with ODS, you can access your accommodations by using the Manage Accommodations link below.  *If you are only in need of elevator access (Griffin Hall is the only card activated elevator) send an email with your attached documentation and a copy of your CajunCard to ods@louisiana.edu


    Note Takers


    Requests for Disability Accommodations

    Any request for auxillary aids and services (sign language interpreter, braille material, large print, accessible seating, etc) needed to access any program or activity sponsored by UL Lafayette should be made through the Office of Disability Services at 337-482-5252.  Employees of UL Lafayette in need of disability accommodations should contact Human Resources at 337-482-6242.

    ADA Maps

    ADA Maps

    ADA Maps for the UL Lafayette Campus